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How Much to Tip Your Tattoo Artist: A Guide for Proper Etiquette

How Much to Tip Your Tattoo Artist: A Guide for Proper Etiquette

Wondering how much to tip your tattoo artist? It's customary to leave a 20% tip, but if you're really happy with their work, feel free to be more generous!

When it comes to getting a tattoo, tipping your artist is an important part of the process. The question is, how much should you tip? It can be a tricky subject, but one thing is for sure - a good tattoo artist deserves recognition for their skill and hard work. So, if you want to show your appreciation and ensure a positive relationship with your artist, it's important to know how much to tip. Here are some factors to consider when deciding on a tip amount.


Tattoos are a form of art that has been around for centuries. Getting a tattoo is a personal experience that requires trust, communication, and creativity between the tattoo artist and the client. Tattoo artists spend hours working on their client's tattoos, and it is customary to tip them for their hard work. But how much should you tip your tattoo artist? In this article, we will discuss the factors that determine how much you should tip your tattoo artist.

The Cost of the Tattoo

The cost of the tattoo is one of the main factors to consider when tipping your tattoo artist. If the tattoo is expensive, you can tip your artist 15% to 20% of the total cost of the tattoo. For example, if your tattoo cost $500, you can tip your artist $75 to $100.

Complexity of the Tattoo

The complexity of the tattoo is another factor to consider when tipping your tattoo artist. If your tattoo is complex and requires a lot of detail, you can tip your artist more than if it was a simple design. If your tattoo takes several hours to complete, you can tip your artist $50 to $100 per hour.

Quality of the Tattoo

The quality of the tattoo is also an important factor when tipping your tattoo artist. If your tattoo artist did an exceptional job and you are happy with the results, you can tip them more than if you were not satisfied with the outcome. You can tip your artist 20% to 25% of the total cost of the tattoo if you are pleased with the final product.

Experience of the Tattoo Artist

The experience of the tattoo artist is another factor to consider when tipping. If your tattoo artist has been in the industry for a long time and has a lot of experience, they may charge more for their services. In this case, you can still tip them 15% to 20% of the total cost of the tattoo.

Location of the Tattoo Shop

The location of the tattoo shop is another factor to consider when tipping your tattoo artist. If the tattoo shop is located in an expensive area or in a big city, you can tip your artist more than if it was in a smaller town. You can also take into account the cost of living in the area when deciding how much to tip.

Personal Relationship with the Tattoo Artist

Your personal relationship with the tattoo artist is also an important factor when tipping. If you have a good relationship with your tattoo artist and they have done multiple tattoos for you, you may want to tip them more than if it was your first time getting a tattoo from them.

Industry Standards

The tattoo industry has its own set of standards when it comes to tipping. It is customary to tip your tattoo artist 15% to 20% of the total cost of the tattoo. However, if you feel that your tattoo artist went above and beyond, you can tip them more.

Tipping Etiquette

When it comes to tipping your tattoo artist, there are a few things to keep in mind. It is best to tip your artist in cash, as some tattoo shops do not allow tips on credit cards. You should also tip your artist at the end of the tattoo session, after you have seen the final product.


In conclusion, tipping your tattoo artist is a way to show your appreciation for their hard work and dedication. The amount you tip depends on various factors, such as the cost of the tattoo, complexity of the design, quality of the artwork, experience of the artist, location of the shop, personal relationship with the artist, and industry standards. It is best to tip your artist in cash and at the end of the session, after you have seen the final product. Remember, a little goes a long way, and your tattoo artist will appreciate any amount you choose to tip them.

Understanding the Importance of Tipping Your Tattoo Artist

Getting a tattoo is an exciting and permanent decision that requires careful consideration. While the cost of a tattoo can vary depending on its size, design, and location on your body, it's important to remember that tipping your tattoo artist is an integral part of the process. Tipping your tattoo artist is not only a way to show your appreciation for their hard work, but it also ensures that they are fairly compensated for their time and effort.

Factors to Consider When Determining the Appropriate Tip Amount

When determining how much to tip your tattoo artist, there are several factors to consider. One of the most important factors is the quality of the work done by your tattoo artist. If you are pleased with the design and execution of your tattoo, it may be appropriate to tip more generously. Additionally, you should consider the length of the tattoo session, the complexity of the design, and the level of detail required.

Industry Standards for Tipping Tattoo Artists

While there is no set industry standard for tipping tattoo artists, it is generally recommended to tip between 15-20% of the total cost of the tattoo. However, if you feel that the service provided by your tattoo artist was exceptional, you may want to consider tipping more generously.

How to Determine the Level of Service Provided by Your Tattoo Artist

To determine the level of service provided by your tattoo artist, consider the following factors: 1. Was the artist attentive to your needs and preferences?2. Did the artist take the time to discuss the design and placement of the tattoo with you?3. Did the artist provide suggestions or recommendations to improve the design?4. Was the artist professional and respectful throughout the entire process?By answering these questions, you can determine whether your tattoo artist provided exceptional service and deserves an extra tip.

Etiquette for Tipping Your Tattoo Artist

When tipping your tattoo artist, it's important to do so in a respectful and courteous manner. Express your gratitude and appreciation for their hard work and dedication. Additionally, you should tip in cash, as many tattoo artists may not have access to credit card machines or may prefer cash tips.

Alternatives to Monetary Tips for Your Tattoo Artist

If you are unable to provide a monetary tip, there are other ways to show your appreciation for your tattoo artist's work. You could leave a positive review on their website or social media page, refer friends and family to their services, or even bring them a small gift to show your appreciation.

Tipping Your Tattoo Artist for Multiple Sessions

If you are getting a tattoo that requires multiple sessions, it's important to tip your tattoo artist for each session separately. This ensures that they are fairly compensated for their time and effort during each individual session.

Benefits of Tipping Your Tattoo Artist

Tipping your tattoo artist has several benefits. Firstly, it shows your appreciation for their hard work and dedication. Secondly, it helps to ensure that they are fairly compensated for their time and effort. Lastly, it can help to build a positive relationship with your tattoo artist, which can be beneficial if you plan on getting more tattoos in the future.

Consequences of Not Tipping Your Tattoo Artist

While tipping your tattoo artist is not mandatory, failing to do so can have negative consequences. Not tipping your tattoo artist may result in a strained relationship, as they may feel undervalued and underappreciated. Additionally, failing to tip may result in a lower quality tattoo, as your artist may not put in the same level of effort and attention to detail.

Top 10 Countries With Highest Average Tips for Tattoo Artist

1. United States - 20-25% of the total cost2. Canada - 15-20% of the total cost3. Australia - 10-15% of the total cost4. United Kingdom - 10-15% of the total cost5. Germany - 10-15% of the total cost6. France - 10-15% of the total cost7. Italy - 10-15% of the total cost8. Spain - 10-15% of the total cost9. Japan - 5-10% of the total cost10. China - 5-10% of the total costIt's important to note that these percentages are just averages and may vary depending on the individual artist and the quality of their work. It's always best to consult with your tattoo artist to determine the appropriate tip amount.

When it comes to tipping your tattoo artist, there are a few factors to consider. Here is a breakdown of how much you should tip and some pros and cons to keep in mind:

How much should you tip?

  • 20% is the general rule of thumb for tipping your tattoo artist.
  • If you have a larger or more intricate tattoo, you may want to tip more to show your appreciation for their hard work.
  • If you are on a tight budget, tipping at least 10% is still a kind gesture.

Pros of tipping your tattoo artist:

  1. Tattoo artists put a lot of time and effort into creating your design and making sure it looks perfect. Tipping shows them that you value their hard work and dedication.
  2. Tattoo artists often rely on tips as a significant part of their income. By tipping generously, you are helping to support their livelihood.
  3. Tattoo artists are more likely to go above and beyond for clients who tip well, such as offering touch-ups or discounts on future tattoos.

Cons of tipping your tattoo artist:

  1. Tipping can add up, especially if you are getting a large or expensive tattoo. If you are on a tight budget, tipping may not be feasible.
  2. Some people may feel uncomfortable discussing money with their tattoo artist or may not know how much to tip.
  3. If you do not tip your tattoo artist, they may feel undervalued or unappreciated, which could lead to a negative experience for both parties.

As a tattoo artist, the artistry and creativity of your work are highly appreciated by your clients. However, tipping is a customary way of showing appreciation for a job well done. The question on how much to tip your tattoo artist may not have a definite answer, but it is essential to know the standard tipping rate in the industry.

The general rule of thumb when it comes to tipping your tattoo artist is between 15% to 20% of the total cost of the tattoo. This percentage may vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the tattoo design, the length of time taken to complete the tattoo, and the quality of service provided. If you are pleased with the final look of your tattoo or the whole experience, then it's only reasonable to tip your artist generously.

Tipping is not mandatory, but it shows that you respect and appreciate the hard work that your tattoo artist has put into creating something unique for you. It also encourages your tattoo artist to continue providing excellent service to their clients. So, next time you get a tattoo, remember to budget for a tip as it goes a long way in maintaining a good relationship with your tattoo artist.

In conclusion, tipping your tattoo artist is a way of showing gratitude for the art they have created for you. It is essential to factor in the complexity of the design, length of time, and quality of service when deciding on the tip amount. Remember, a generous tip can go a long way in maintaining a positive relationship with your tattoo artist and encouraging them to keep up with the excellent service.

When it comes to getting a tattoo, it's common for people to wonder how much they should tip their tattoo artist. In fact, it's one of the most frequently asked questions among those considering getting inked.

So, how much should you tip your tattoo artist? The general rule of thumb is to tip between 15% and 20% of the total cost of your tattoo. However, there are a few factors that can influence how much you should tip:

  • The complexity of your tattoo: If your tattoo is particularly intricate or requires a lot of time and effort from your artist, you may want to consider tipping on the higher end of the spectrum.
  • The quality of service: If your tattoo artist went above and beyond to ensure your comfort and satisfaction, you may feel more inclined to tip generously.
  • Your budget: While tipping is certainly appreciated, it's important to remember that it's not mandatory. If you're on a tight budget, don't feel guilty for only tipping what you can afford.

Ultimately, the decision of how much to tip your tattoo artist is up to you. However, keep in mind that tattoo artists work hard to create beautiful, lasting pieces of art on your body, and a little extra appreciation can go a long way in showing your gratitude for their talent and skill.