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Unlocking the Etiquette of Tipping: How Much Should You Tip Your Tattoo Artist?

Unlocking the Etiquette of Tipping: How Much Should You Tip Your Tattoo Artist?

Wondering how much to tip your tattoo artist? It's recommended to give 15-20% of the total cost as a token of appreciation for their artistry.

Getting a tattoo is often a meaningful and personal experience. You’re putting your trust in an artist to create something that will be with you for a lifetime. So, it’s only natural to want to show your appreciation for their hard work and skill. But the question remains: how much should you tip your tattoo artist?

Firstly, it’s important to remember that tipping is not mandatory, but it’s definitely appreciated. Your tattoo artist is likely self-employed and relies heavily on tips as a source of income. It’s also worth noting that a good tip can go a long way in building a positive relationship with your artist.

Now, when it comes to the amount, the general rule of thumb is 15-20% of the total cost. However, there are a few factors to consider. If you’re getting a larger or more intricate piece, you may want to consider a higher tip as it requires more time and effort from your artist. On the other hand, if you’re getting a smaller piece, you may want to stick to the 15% mark.

Ultimately, the decision is up to you and what you feel comfortable with. Just remember to show your appreciation for your artist’s hard work and dedication. After all, a little extra cash can go a long way in making someone’s day a little brighter.

Tipping Your Tattoo Artist: How Much is Appropriate?

Getting a tattoo is an investment in both time and money. You spend hours sitting in the chair, and you pay a significant amount for the artist's skill and time. But what about tipping? It's a common question that many people have when it comes to getting inked. So, how much should you tip your tattoo artist? Here are some things to consider.

Tattoo Artists and Tipping Culture

Tattoo artists are professionals who deserve to be compensated for their work. However, unlike other service industries, such as restaurants or hair salons, there isn't a widely accepted tipping culture in the tattoo industry. That being said, it's still customary to tip your tattoo artist as a sign of appreciation for their hard work and dedication to creating a piece of art on your body.

Tipping Guidelines

So, how much should you tip your tattoo artist? The general rule of thumb is to tip between 15-20% of the total cost of your tattoo. For example, if your tattoo costs $500, you should tip between $75-$100. However, this isn't set in stone, and you should consider several factors when determining the appropriate amount to tip.

Tattoo Size and Complexity

The size and complexity of your tattoo can influence how much you should tip your artist. If your tattoo is relatively small and simple, you may want to tip closer to 20% to show your appreciation for their attention to detail. On the other hand, if your tattoo is large and intricate, you may want to tip closer to 15% since the artist likely spent more time and effort on your piece.

Tattoo Shop Culture

The culture of the tattoo shop you visit can also influence how much you should tip your artist. Some shops have a policy of not accepting tips, while others encourage tipping. If you're unsure, it's always best to ask the artist or the shop staff about their tipping policy.

Your Relationship with Your Artist

Your relationship with your tattoo artist can also play a role in how much you should tip. If you've been working with the same artist for years and have a great rapport, you may want to tip more generously. On the other hand, if you're working with a new artist for the first time, you may want to stick to the 15-20% rule.

Other Ways to Show Appreciation

Tipping isn't the only way to show your appreciation for your tattoo artist. You can also leave a positive review online, refer friends to the shop, or even bring in snacks or drinks for the staff. These gestures can go a long way in showing your gratitude.

When Not to Tip

There may be times when it's not appropriate to tip your tattoo artist. If you're unhappy with the final product, it's best to address your concerns with the artist before leaving the shop. If the issue can't be resolved, it's up to you whether or not to tip. Additionally, if the artist was rude or unprofessional during the process, you may not feel inclined to tip.

Tipping for Touch-Ups

If you need to go back for touch-ups or additional work on your tattoo, it's not necessary to tip again. However, if the touch-up requires significant time and effort from the artist, you may want to tip a smaller amount as a way of saying thank you.

The Bottom Line

Tipping your tattoo artist is a personal decision that should be based on several factors, including the size and complexity of your tattoo, the culture of the shop, and your relationship with the artist. While there isn't a set tipping culture in the tattoo industry, it's always appreciated when clients show their appreciation for an artist's hard work and dedication to their craft.

The Importance of Tipping Your Tattoo Artist cannot be overstated. Tattooing is a form of art that requires not only skill but also a lot of hard work and dedication. Therefore, tipping your tattoo artist is a way to show your appreciation for their efforts. The standard tipping rate for a tattoo artist is 20% of the total cost of the tattoo. However, several factors may determine the tipping amount.Factors That Determine Tipping Amounts include the quality of work, the time and effort spent on the tattoo, and the artist's experience and skill level. If you're getting a custom tattoo that requires more creativity and design work, you should consider tipping your artist 25% or more. Pre-designed tattoos typically require less effort, and therefore, the standard rate of 20% applies.Large vs. Small Tattoos also play a role in determining the tipping amount. If you're getting a large, detailed tattoo, it's recommended to tip more than 20% to show your appreciation for the artist's time and effort. For smaller tattoos, sticking to the standard rate is appropriate.Multiple Tattoo Sessions may require tipping at the end of each session instead of waiting until the entire project is complete. This gesture shows your appreciation for the artist's dedication and hard work.Cash Tips vs. Gifts are also worth considering. While gifts are always appreciated, cash tips are more practical for tattoo artists. They need money to cover their expenses and invest in their craft.Tipping at the End of Your Tattoo Session is recommended to show gratitude for the artist's hard work and dedication. It's also an excellent opportunity to ask any questions about aftercare or touch-ups.Tipping for Touch-ups and Fix-ups is still appropriate. If you go back to your tattoo artist for touch-ups or fixes, it's essential to show your appreciation for their time and effort.When in Doubt, Just Ask! If you're uncertain about how much to tip your tattoo artist or have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them directly. Clarifying any doubts is better than risking giving an inadequate tip.In conclusion, tipping your tattoo artist is an essential way to show your appreciation for their hard work and talent. The standard tipping rate of 20% may apply for pre-designed tattoos, but several factors, such as the quality of work, time and effort spent, and size of the tattoo, may determine the tipping amount. Remember to tip at the end of each session, consider cash tips over gifts, and always ask any questions you may have. Your tattoo artist will appreciate it!

When it comes to tipping your tattoo artist, there are a few factors to consider. It's important to show appreciation for their work and the time they spent on your tattoo, but it can be difficult to determine how much to tip. Here are some pros and cons to consider when deciding how much to tip your tattoo artist:


  • Tipping shows gratitude and respect for the tattoo artist's hard work and skill.
  • A generous tip may encourage the artist to go above and beyond in future appointments.
  • Tipping can help build a good relationship with your tattoo artist and potentially lead to discounts or special treatment in the future.


  • It can be difficult to determine an appropriate amount to tip, especially if you're unsure of the industry standard or the artist's expectations.
  • If you tip too little, it may come across as disrespectful or unappreciative of the artist's work.
  • If you tip too much, you may be putting a strain on your own finances or setting unrealistic expectations for future appointments.

So how much should you tip your tattoo artist? Generally, it's recommended to tip between 15-20% of the total cost of your tattoo. However, this can vary depending on factors such as the artist's experience, the complexity of the design, and your overall satisfaction with the finished product. If you're unsure, it's always better to err on the side of generosity and show your appreciation for the artist's work.

When it comes to tipping your tattoo artist, there is no hard and fast rule. However, it is customary to tip your tattoo artist between 10% to 20% of the total cost of the tattoo. Tipping is a way to show your appreciation for their hard work and dedication, and also to acknowledge their talent and skill.

It is important to keep in mind that tattoo artists work on a commission-based system, which means that they rely heavily on tips to supplement their income. Additionally, most tattoo artists spend years honing their craft and perfecting their skills, often at great personal expense. By tipping your tattoo artist, you are not only showing your gratitude but also helping them to continue pursuing their passion.

Ultimately, the decision to tip your tattoo artist and how much to tip is entirely up to you. If you feel that your tattoo artist went above and beyond to ensure that you were happy with the final result, then you may want to consider tipping more generously. On the other hand, if you were less than satisfied with the final product, then it is perfectly acceptable to forego a tip altogether. Whatever you decide, be sure to express your appreciation for their hard work and dedication, and always remember to treat your tattoo artist with respect and kindness.

In conclusion, tipping your tattoo artist is a way to show your appreciation for their hard work and dedication. While there is no set amount for how much you should tip, it is customary to tip between 10% to 20% of the total cost of the tattoo. By tipping your tattoo artist, you are not only acknowledging their talent and skill but also helping them to continue pursuing their passion. So, the next time you get a tattoo, remember to show your tattoo artist some love and appreciation for their hard work and dedication.

People also ask about how much should you tip your tattoo artist?

  • 1. Should I tip my tattoo artist?
  • Yes, it is customary to tip your tattoo artist. Tipping shows gratitude for their hard work and dedication to creating your desired design.

  • 2. How much should I tip my tattoo artist?
  • The general rule of thumb is to tip 20% of the total cost of your tattoo. However, if you are on a tight budget, you can tip at least 15%. If you are extremely satisfied with the outcome, you can tip more than 20%, as it is always appreciated.

  • 3. When should I tip my tattoo artist?
  • You should tip your tattoo artist after the session is complete. This gives you a chance to evaluate the work and ensure that you are satisfied with the outcome before tipping.

  • 4. Can I tip my tattoo artist in other ways besides cash?
  • Yes, you can tip your tattoo artist with a gift card or by leaving a positive review on their social media accounts. However, cash is the most preferred method as it allows them to immediately benefit from your generosity.

  • 5. What should I do if I am not satisfied with my tattoo?
  • If you are not satisfied with your tattoo, you should discuss your concerns with your tattoo artist. Most artists offer touch-up services free of charge within a certain timeframe. If you still are not satisfied, you have the option of seeking a different artist for a cover-up or removal.

Remember, tipping your tattoo artist is a way to show appreciation for their talent and hard work. It can also help build a positive relationship with your artist for future tattoo sessions.